In a recent blog we discussed the first meeting between Casanova and The Southerner. Well here’s an extract from the script for the scene above that Kev used as the basis for the drawing. Once Dave has written the script, Kev doesn’t have to follow it but can play around with it to his heart’s content.
External view of Cafe Procope night-time – close up of lamp above Cafe Procope sign
Internal view. From perspective of entrance – bright, shiny, bustling scene, huge mirrors reflecting and exaggerating the space and light – waiters, couples, singletons, family groups, men in animated discussion.
Same perspective from entrance but closer up focus on Casanova at a table in one corner. He’s simultaneously reading a newspaper, which is partially spread out on the table in front of him, and eating a meal.
Side of figure in foreground standing next to table, Casanova engrossed in the paper, forking a piece of meat into his mouth.
Close-up of Phillipe one of his eyes a milky-white colour as previously described by Gabrielle.
Phillippe: Monsieur Giacomo Casanova?
Casanova looking up, a glass of wine in one hand, the other holding the edge of the newspaper.
Casanova: At your service.
Phillippe: May I join you?
Casanova folding away the newspaper.
Casanova: You have the advantage, monsieur.
Casanova: Have we met before?
Phillippe pulling a chair from the table.
Phillippe: I understand that you have a business relationship with Monsieur Joseph de Paris-Duverney.
Perspective from Casanova. Phillippe sitting in front of him.
Casanova: And you are?
Perspective at a little distance. A waiter serving a couple in the foreground to one side.
Phillippe: You are advised that another person wishes to fund your venture on terms far more advantageous to yourself.
Phillippe reaching into his coat.
Casanova: And he is?
Phillippe brings out a pencil and notebook.
Phillippe: You are further advised that Monsieur Paris-Duverney is a dangerous man for you to know.
Close up of notebook, open on the table, hand poised to write.
Phillippe: What sum do you require?
Casanova folding up newspaper.
Casanova: You can let your master know that I have a binding agreement with Monsieur Paris-Duverney which I intend to honour.
Casanova beckoning to a waiter.
Phillippe: A seducer of nuns, rich widows and other men’s wives…
Phillippe: … an adventurer who is on the run from the Venetian inquisition…
Phillippe: …speaks of honour.
Close-up of Phillippe grinning
Phillippe: Let’s not waste each other’s time.
Phillippe: What sum will satisfy … your honour?
‘Casanova in Paris: The Shadows of the King’ is freely available here.
Long form articles on Casanova’s life and times are freely available here.
#behindthescenes #storytelling #graphicnovel