

Below is a YouTube link to a fascinating hour-long talk given by Frederick Ilchman which covers Venice, Canaletto and Casanova, the two men being pretty much contemporaries. Casanova is introduced about 27 minutes in.  There are a couple of little inaccuracies (Casanova’s involvement in the Paris lottery began in 1757, not 1756, and he escaped from Il Piombi, situated in the attic of the Doge’s palace not the Prigione Nuove as illustrated, which he passed through via the Bridge of Sighs on his way to Il Piombi) but apart from that it’s well worth watching – here.

‘Casanova in Paris: The Shadows of the King’ is freely available here.

27 long form articles on Casanova’s life and times are freely available here.

#casanova #venice #history #eighteenthcentury #canaletto

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Venice and Paris

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